Optimizing Your Website After the Google August 2024 Update

Person using a tablet with a digital search bar overlay, symbolizing online search and SEO.

In August 2024, Google launched a significant core update aimed at refining its search algorithms. This update, like its predecessors, is part of Google’s ongoing effort to enhance the quality of search results by promoting content that genuinely benefits users. The August 2024 update has sparked considerable discussion within the SEO community, particularly among small and independent publishers, as it seeks to address some of the feedback from previous updates, particularly the September 2023 helpful content update.

Key Objectives of the August 2024 Core Update

The primary objective of this update is to elevate content that is genuinely helpful to users, especially from smaller and independent sites. Google has emphasized its commitment to connecting users with high-quality content, regardless of the size of the website. This update also aims to refine Google’s ability to recognize improvements made by websites since previous updates, thereby surfacing the best content available on the web.

Impact of the Update: What You Need to Know

As with any core update, the August 2024 update is expected to cause fluctuations in search rankings. This volatility can be a source of anxiety for many publishers, particularly those who have been negatively impacted by previous updates. However, it is important to understand that a drop in rankings does not necessarily indicate a problem with your content or website. Instead, it may reflect the evolving nature of Google’s search algorithms as they strive to better match user intent with the most relevant and useful content.

How to Optimize Your Website for the August 2024 Core Update

Given the changes brought by the August 2024 core update, it’s crucial to adapt your SEO strategies to align with Google’s latest priorities. Below are some actionable steps you can take to optimize your website and potentially improve your rankings in the wake of this update.

1. Focus on People-First Content

Google has reiterated the importance of creating content that is designed to satisfy users rather than simply to rank well in search engines. This means prioritizing the needs of your audience over SEO tactics. Consider the following strategies:

  • Understand User Intent: Ensure that your content aligns with what users are searching for. This requires a deep understanding of your audience’s needs, preferences, and behaviors.
  • Create Comprehensive Content: Aim to provide thorough answers to user queries. Content that covers a topic in depth is more likely to be considered valuable by both users and Google.
  • Ensure Readability: Use clear, concise language and structure your content in a way that is easy to read and understand. This includes using headings, bullet points, and short paragraphs.

2. Emphasize Originality and Uniqueness

In line with the update’s focus on smaller and independent publishers, it’s essential to emphasize originality in your content. Avoid simply rehashing information found on other sites. Instead, strive to offer unique insights, perspectives, or data that set your content apart.

  • Conduct Original Research: Whenever possible, include original research or data in your content. This not only enhances the value of your content but also positions your site as an authority on the subject.
  • Offer Unique Perspectives: If you’re covering a common topic, try to present it from a unique angle or perspective that hasn’t been widely explored.

3. Update and Improve Existing Content

Google has indicated that this update aims to “better capture improvements that sites may have made.” Therefore, it’s a good idea to revisit and update your existing content. Here’s how:

  • Refresh Old Content: Regularly update older content to ensure it remains relevant and accurate. This could involve adding new information, updating statistics, or refining the language.
  • Improve Content Quality: Evaluate your existing content for quality issues such as thin content, duplicate content, or outdated information. Make necessary improvements to enhance its usefulness.
  • Consolidate Similar Content: If you have multiple pieces of content covering similar topics, consider consolidating them into a single, more comprehensive piece. This can prevent keyword cannibalization and improve the overall quality of your content.

4. Enhance E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness)

Google continues to prioritize content that demonstrates strong E-A-T signals. To improve your site’s E-A-T, consider the following:

  • Highlight Author Credentials: Make sure that the authors of your content are credible and their expertise is clearly communicated. This could involve adding author bios, showcasing their credentials, and linking to their professional profiles.
  • Secure Quality Backlinks: High-quality backlinks from reputable sites can significantly boost your site’s authority. Focus on building relationships with industry leaders and aim to produce content that naturally attracts links.
  • Improve Site Security: Ensure that your website is secure (HTTPS) and that you have a clear privacy policy and terms of service. These factors contribute to your site’s trustworthiness.

5. Monitor and Analyze Performance

In the weeks following the rollout of the August 2024 core update, it’s important to closely monitor your site’s performance. This will help you understand the impact of the update and adjust your strategy accordingly.

  • Use Google Search Console: Regularly check your performance report in Google Search Console to identify any significant changes in rankings, impressions, or clicks.
  • Analyze Traffic Patterns: Pay attention to changes in your organic traffic, particularly any drops or spikes that may indicate the impact of the update.
  • Track Update Rollout Status: To stay updated on the progress of the August 2024 core update and any potential issues, monitor Google’s official status page. Additionally, you can use the Google Search status dashboard for broader insights into any ongoing issues affecting search products.
  • Assess User Engagement: Metrics such as bounce rate, time on page, and pages per session can provide insights into how users are interacting with your content. A drop in engagement may indicate that your content is not meeting user expectations.

What to Do If You’re Negatively Impacted

If your site has been negatively impacted by the August 2024 core update, it’s important to remain calm and avoid making hasty decisions. Here’s what you should do:

1. Review Google’s Guidelines

Start by revisiting Google’s guidelines on creating helpful, reliable, and people-first content. This will give you a clearer understanding of what Google values and how you can align your content with these principles.

2. Conduct a Content Audit

Perform a comprehensive audit of your site’s content to identify potential issues. Look for:

  • Low-Quality Pages: Identify any pages that are thin, outdated, or not providing sufficient value to users.
  • Content Gaps: Determine if there are any gaps in your content where additional information or resources could be beneficial.
  • User Feedback: Consider any feedback you’ve received from users about your content. This can provide valuable insights into areas for improvement.

3. Focus on Long-Term Improvements

Rather than attempting to recover quickly, focus on making long-term improvements to your site. This could involve:

  • Enhancing Content Quality: Invest time in creating high-quality, comprehensive content that genuinely helps users.
  • Improving User Experience: Make sure your site is user-friendly, with fast load times, easy navigation, and a mobile-responsive design.
  • Building Authority: Continue to build your site’s authority by securing high-quality backlinks, publishing original research, and engaging with your audience on social media.


The Google August 2024 core update underscores the importance of creating content that is genuinely helpful, original, and user-focused. While fluctuations in rankings are to be expected, the key to long-term success lies in consistently delivering value to your audience. By focusing on people-first content, enhancing E-A-T, and regularly updating your site, you can position yourself to thrive in the evolving landscape of search engine optimization.

Stay vigilant, keep monitoring your performance, and continue to adapt your strategies in response to changes in Google’s algorithms. Remember, SEO is a marathon, not a sprint, and those who focus on providing real value to their users will ultimately come out ahead.

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